Montessori Discovery School

Primary Phase In Week

Here we are on Friday, September 11, and the first week of school is almost over!  We call this week Phase In week because our new and returning primary students are slowly phased in during the week.  Only new primary students attend Tuesday and Wednesday, for a shortened day; 8:30 – 10:00 on Tuesday and 8:30 -10:30 on Wednesday.  On Thursday, we welcome our returning students as well as our new students.  Everyone stays from 8:30 – 11:30.  That is repeated on Friday.  Phase In week gives our new students a chance to bond and get used to the classroom routines.  When the returning students come back,  they are very big helpers and role models for the younger children.  We are very happy to report that even our youngest children are hanging up their backpacks, putting on their slippers and putting their snack in the snack basket before going to circle.  And best of all, there were hardly any tears this morning!


Primary students gather for circle
Primary students gather for circle