In accordance with recommendations by public health officials and in alignment with local public schools, MDS is closed until further notice. This is an unprecedented situation and we realize everyone is in unknown territory. Our foremost goal is the health and safety of our community, however, we also want to stay connected to our community. To that end, our staff has been meeting daily online this week to design a structure to provide learning opportunities to our students while they are at home.
Our administration is working to create an online alternative to our school observation visits. We are always happy to talk to people about our school and will be in the office at various time daily. If you would like to find out more about Montessori Discovery School, you can call us and leave a message or send an inquiry through our webpage.
Our mission “Our Montessori Discovery School Community nurtures joyful learners who confidently engage their world” holds true whether we are all at school or at home and we continue to do everything we can to make it so.