Montessori Discovery School


MDS response to COVID-19

In accordance with recommendations by public health officials and in alignment with local public schools, MDS is closed until further notice. This is an unprecedented situation and we realize everyone is in unknown territory. Our foremost goal is the health and safety of our community, however, we also want to stay connected to our community.

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Olivia Hudgens, MDS Student Inventor Invited to the National Invention Convention!

Olivia Hudgens, a fifth year student at Montessori Discovery School, took her invention “The Kitty Kleaner” to the Connecticut Invention Convention on May 4, 2019. She just received an invitation to compete at the National Invention Convention in Detroit Michigan at the end of May. She was one of 1,200 students participating in the Connecticut.

Olivia Hudgens, MDS Student Inventor Invited to the National Invention Convention! Read More »